Some questionings present its force to inquire on the abilities of the professor and the pupil in the actions of the pedagogical process. In this line of reasoning, the function of the professor in the process is looked to clarify which to teach and to learn, as well as the meaning to mediate the learning and to interact with the pupil. The presented text follows a thus articulated linear script: in the first part it appears the pedagogical identity of the professor with its fragilities and potentialities; soon, it is presented reflection that turns around the dialogue as methodology for the apprehension of knowledge; the following item brings information on conceptual maps, following of the reflection on mediation and interaction in Superior Ensino. Finally, the research is presented as one of the work strategies so that the result of the pedagogical action is, also, fruit of the research. 2A PEDAGOGICAL IDENTITY OF the PROFESSOR When studying the question of the classroom from the origin of the model that has predominated in Brazil, Florestan Fernandes (1989, p.142) affirms that: We start for importing French and German ideas, in the end of the last century; we try later also, ' ' reproduzir' ' what in them it seemed to be North American primary education and the iluminista enciclopedismo of according to French degree.
In both imitations we fail. The imported institutions cannot be redefined, in its meaning, structures and functions are of its psicossocial and cultural context. …. In other places, nor this repressive violence of a poor, authoritarian and established escolarizao in a hierarchy of age and devastadora classroom, but only the growth of the ignorance and the brutality that deprived the ascending generations of the systematic learning …. The school? by means of it the classroom? they had continued imprisoned to a predatory conception of the person who is ordered.