Drama "Black Swan" by director Darren Aronofsky tells the complicated history of Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman) – a talented and hard dancers of the New York theater. His manager Tom (Vincent Cassel) – wants to heat up fading interest in New York audiences to ballet and come up with a new production of "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky, in which both parties – and the black and white swan – performs the same dancer. Nina has long dreamed of this role, which may make it a great prima ballerina, but she has a dangerous rival – Lily (Mila Kunis) – lewd, lascivious and unscrupulous creature, do not stop at nothing to achieve their selfish goals. Conscience, this is clearly not being mutilated, and ballet for Lily – only habitat in which it was able to get used to, but no more. Conversely, Nina, her mother brought up the power (which left the scene once for parenting daughters) daily trains hard, wipes his fingers in blood, she breathes ballet, this is her work, passion, purpose, mission, and a cross. The first opposition – the talent and the hellish work, on the one hand and mediocrity, to be offset Developed grasping reflex – on the other.

It is parasitic, this mediocrity, it tries to infect a bright start something that is contained in Nina. It is easier to win – bringing to their level then that higher self- understanding. They say that the world is very cruel ballet – and here is difficult to argue constantly Aronofsky shows what the dancers are ready in certain situations.