The context contemporary in which the formation of professors occurs, in the diverse areas of performance and mainly of foreign language (LE), has demanded the preparation of professionals with diverse abilities and abilities enable that them to act in a globalizado and full world of uncertainties. Critical, reflective, ethical, independent professionals, that, beyond reflecting on its function in the society and understanding the social game and politician whom the education involves, also they can act as transforming agents of the problems contemporaries. The question that directs this inquiry is: The professors in formation of Spaniard as Foreign Language of the University of the State of the Bahia Campus V if feel prepared to answer the educational demands contemporaries? We leave of the hypotheses that the professors in formation present difficulties in articulating the theoretical corpus the practical one, beyond passing more time during the course looking for to assimilate ready ideas not presenting and developing its proper ideas. In this way, the objective of this work is to identify the difficulties that the pupils in formation face at the moment to act as professors and not more as pupils and to contribute for the reflection on the challenges that involve the formation of the professor of E/LE in the respective institution. The study method will be hypothetical the deductive one evidencing the importance of the use of quanti-qualitative methodologies as a form to get a more refined agreement of the object in analysis: questionnaire. This study if it bases on the PCNs (2000), in the theories of Almeida Son (1999), Paraquett (2009), Lopes Underbrush (1996), Peter Demon (2004), Edgar Morin (2000).From the results of this inquiry it will be possible to rethink eventual distanciamentos between imagined in the resume and the carried through one in the rooms of the Campus in analysis..