The Philosphy Of Beauty

Modernization of the economy, stylization of life, control the future expansion of the search space of exciting adventures, a compound with a stronger partner (partner), the opening of a conditionally "Super-powers", the acquisition of irreversible natural beauty, the aesthetic design of business generation – here's the short list of activities, which I propose to do in the dense early the third millennium. "Business as a hobby, and life satisfaction" – directing motto or style of life, promoting the rights in the worlds of his future beyond the unpleasant unexpected events and encounters. The path to higher levels improving one, and there I will talk through the birth of my philosophy of beauty, philosophy, aesthetic contemplation of the worlds, the material space. But before I begin to move towards the first stage of "elixir youth ", it is necessary to discuss the following rules: the first – altered consciousness of temporary space, the second – avoiding stereotypes to reality, and the third – setting up a program of their own" self-discovery. " Civilization is a new generation carries the idea of a holistic, undivided segments, man.

Ability to manage their own system of life – is the first axiom of the ensuing reality. Life activity bears dynamic development of the events, actions, which reproduces the people. Do all of the personality can be attributed to life? Are all areas of life can be estimated as productive for the individual? These questions everyone must answer himself, not lost in the maze of self-justification or, worse, self-accusations. The golden mean – this is a conscious "samonastroy" system under the control of individual action. Logic and intuition – this is the direction in the worlds of their own fantasies. Business-fiction, business-card, business theater, business empire, show exchange, beauty-projects – key words for achieving such goals as "intellectual elixir youth. Click Bank of New York to learn more. " To learn to control their own destiny, just need to touch the world of aesthetics.

But how to do it, eliminating any attempt to abuse them, how to do it easily and naturally, how to combine a feeling of responsibility and pleasure? I'll talk about it in terms of philosophy of beauty, namely, synthesizing the ideas of the beauty industry, architectural creativity, design research, simulation and design space of any complexity. Let's call it a mental environment of aesthetic generation, a generation, have fun in the contemplation of the beautiful around them, generation, making the objects of contemplation, a generation that lives on Rules of Beauty and the responsibility for this beauty. The idea is to be beautiful in the subconscious of each of us the right to take the opportunity to translate his idea of beauty is for everyone, let's the ability to invent beautiful worlds, oblivious to reality, and then start to build their projects in our lives. Do you know how to dream? That hides a meaning of the word, where this dream you and what are the boundaries mosque? – On this I will argue in Next time, before the meeting on the web.

Achieve Healthy Weight Loss

All areas of our body requires protein, consequently, our health directly depends on the diet with high protein. Protein diets that have a level healthy and sound, are excellent for keeping us free appetizers or suffer hunger continuously. The body absorbs the high proteins and sends a notice to the brain and thus, prevents you feel desire to eat or succumb to the temptation of eating unnecessary calories. As we know, the basal metabolism or resting, keep our system running 24 hours a day, every day, put it another way, we need to breathe, the heart must fulfil its role constantly, even when we sleep. The diet with protein activates our metabolism and apart from performing these functions, helps maintain muscle mass and burn calories, even without performing intense physical activity. Muscle mass decreases with the passage of time and if we are not physically active, what will happen is that we acumularemos harmful fat and we will feel weak and with low energy this is one of the reasons why the diet with high protein is excellent to keep our metabolism at optimum levels. Another advantage of protein diets is that they reduce the speed with which the level of insulin and blood glucose rise and fall. Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes shines more light on the discussion. When you feel anxiety by something sweet or carb, means that their intake of protein is deficient and its body to this claiming that proteins, however, make the mistake of identifying it as hunger or fatigue.

Generally when our diet of proteins is deficient, we increase weight due to the consumption of excess empty calories. Then, we turned to a diet to lose weight. Choose foods to lose weight healthy, there are also differences in these, because some contain levels more protein than other high. Among more recommended, known as food for high cholesterol, vegetable proteins of the soy beans are, and these are in juices for cholesterol elaborated based on these proteins..


As more and more airports adopt one more a stricter norm on the transport of liquids,, a Web of reserve of hotels by Internet specialized in Asia, decided that already it was hour to pay attention to the details of security for the hand luggage. To take liquid substances to the foreigner has become a complicated and confused subject nowadays, mainly considering the discrepancies that have had in the norms of the airports. Nevertheless at present the majority of the countries prefers to sin of cautious and applies the world-wide norm of security. The prohibition to take on board the certain airplanes liquid substances began in 2006 as a result of an important frustrated conspiracy to detonate liquid explosives on board a transatlantic airplane in the United Kingdom. Immediately after the incident strict norms with respect to the transport of liquids and sprays on board the airplanes prevailed. The majority of these norms follows effective nowadays and most of the airports have adopted the protocols of Administration of Security in the Transport of the United States (TSA in its abbreviations in English). According to this norm, the basic restrictions are the following: it is prohibited to transport in cabin any liquid in package superior to 100 ml with the single exception of the liquid infantile food (including milk) and medecines with medical prescription.

The prohibited objects more frequent are as current things as water, burners, gomina, cream of hands, perfume, graze of teeth, hidratante lotion and any other liquid product. Liquids in the cabin in packages will only be able to be transported superiors to 100 ml and will not have to go put in bags of plastic transparency with system of opening and closes and capacity nonsuperior to a liter. The majority of the main airports of Asia has introduced east year the security norms on liquids of the United States, among them the Suvarnabhumi of Thailand, the newest airport of the world. To many passengers of Southeast Asia – particularly of Bangkok – the recent introduction of these norms have taken to them by surprise. Therefore, to avoid that the passengers lose appraised goods, has devised a series of advice with the purpose of to prepare them for the takeoff: Before making the luggage, to make a list emphasizing the objects that cannot be transported in the hand luggage (to consult the useful advice on luggage which they appear in the page Web to travelinsider or the pamphlet of easy reading that will find in the page Web of the TSA). To put all the products of hygiene in the luggage of invoicing instead of the hand luggage. When buying products in duty-free, to ask the personnel of the store how the products have been sealed and what norms are applied after abrir them. If they take to products ” imprescindibles” in the hand luggage, to make sure that it does not surpass each the 100 ml and that are put in a stock market ziplock. It comes very well to buy products of trip hygiene to save the nuisance to take products separately. In order to travel to the great thing, nothing better than packs of Khiels trip for O-Man packs of beauty of Ren or Cr? To lick to me for woman.