For prolonged storage in the package is not observed losses Nitrogen – chemical fertilizers. Environmentally friendly sapropel no adverse toxic effects on humans and animals – the date of payment and methods of sealing sapropel in the soil do not differ on the timing and methods of making other organic fertilizer – when you make sapropel “scattered” over the area before plowing nitrogen loss is not observed even after prolonged delay plowing – sapropel has a long useful aftereffect equal, at least 3-4 years. At application rates of 15-20 kg per square meter duration of sapropel can be traced to 14 years. – When you make sapropel in the soil – it improves its mechanical structure, and moisture-holding desiccant ability of 2-3 year yields an increase in soil humus, activates soil processes. Due to the slow solubility of the active substances in sapropel balanced diet provides all the elements of plant supply. – Introduction of sapropel increases the yield of grain crops, vegetables and root vegetables 15%, sugar beet, in 40%, increases the number of proteins and protein products in the crop.
In addition, the dry flour from the sapropel used as a preservative during storage harvest of potatoes, vegetables and fruits. Stocks sapropel in Russia of billions of tons. The main focus of the territorial dominion of notes central regions and the Far East. Technology for producing fertilizer from sapropel include the extraction of natural raw materials of natural moisture dredgers or special equipment on the lakes, delivering it to the shore, dehydration up to a certain humidity to further granulation and drying. Types of fertilizers produced from sapropel can be a loose, granular and liquid form. The most common types of products – loose and granular sapropel. Solid sapropel use at point and area making for crop production, urban greening, a breakdown of parkland, recreation and natural forms of small park landscape.
The largest fraction of bulk sapropel is used for reclamation of desert lands, landfills, dumps, etc. The greatest effect of the bulk sapropel krupnofraktsionnogo can be obtained by extensive use of it. Granular sapropel has a long acting properties of the plants and fertilizers used for growing vegetables, flowers, cereals and root crops. It is the most rational for long-distance transport, heavy use of land in the collection of several harvests per year. Appropriateness of this or that kind of sapropel-specific soil and farmland is defined agro-technical calculations and economic performance impact from this application. Used for packaging of fertilizer – open and valve bags, corrugated boxes, plastic buckets, plastic bags, soft containers (big bags). In the wholesale distribution network and to export sapropel comes packaged in bags and big bags under the European standard – in film or termousadnoy packaged under the customer’s order. In Retail sapropel packed into a smaller container for 2, 5, 10, 15 and 50 kg. For deliveries in bulk sapropel focuses on the conservation properties of this type of fertilizer to transport and store. Characteristic parameters that affect the pricing of fertilizers sapropel, it is ash, the amount of organic matter and moisture. In addition to the use of sapropel as a fertilizer for cultivation of agricultural products, it is used in international practice and as pochvoobrazovatel ameliorator (rekultivant) to restore damaged land man-caused, recreating the productivity of soils in erosional effects, radiation contamination, exhaustion. Sapropel allows you to create oases in the desert, to increase the yield of 2-2.5 times, the transfer of lands unsuitable for the discharge of abandoned crops in high-level.