Different of what still he can be found in the traditionalistic schools, that mere work the passive transmission of the content, Freire defends that the pedagogia must be changed to transform the mind of the pupils who leave of being simple objects to become active and critical citizens, this if extends to the university level mainly, therefore the academic has headquarters for discovering the stranger. Then the figure of the professor as mediating of the knowledge enters, that also searchs perfectioning of the educandos and the worked program, prioritizing the resulted quality and the excellent one in the theoretical applications inside of its space. The complexity alone can be understood according to Morin, will have a junction of the broken paradigms to reformulate and to arrive at a more common and acceptable denominator of the theories already imposed by the scientific discoveries of the last times, so that the traditionalistic academic does not have a shock with the new, becomes necessary that the form mediator not only pacifies and open enverede the content for a question, but for multiple questions that could be analyzed and be criticized, so that the professor takes its proper decisions basing on all on guideline. Thus being the construction of knowing he takes a new route and the practical professor is satisfactory to the eyes of the involved citizens, having then exchanges of experiences and concrete brainstorming inside of the academic space, that grows and develops the intellectual capacity of the beings as active citizens inside of the social process, mainly in the molds capitalist in which we find in them and develop-ours works of research, waiting with everything this to improve the life and the estereotipados concepts of the people who leaves to be mentally ill intellectually.