At the present time freelancing is gaining momentum and becoming more popular. Independent workers offering their services to customers without long-term commitments. Cooperation agreement, order fulfillment and payment of labor is done by modern means of communication – the Internet and other, so a freelancer and the client may be in different locations around the globe. Working as a freelancer can be a stepping stone towards a own business or just build a good career. But for the beginners there are always some obstacles that will have to overcome to succeed.
The main condition to achieve high results in Remote work is your professionalism. Here you are alone, and there are no more senior staff of the office that would help you or fix your mistakes. In addition to professional, you should have a range of qualities and skills to compete successfully with colleagues and meet customer requirements. To start, you need to take care of personal branding. You can decide how you call yourself: use your full name, or just pseudonym, or in the name includes the service provided (eg, Prof Design). This is the name you use and all exchanges of freelancing, and on his personal website. Promote need only one name, one brand, so in the beginning need not wrong with the choice of brand, or if it changes the efforts on promotion may be lost in vain. It is also reasonable to think for themselves any logo, especially if you are doing design, and use it on the stock exchanges as avatar.