Derek Fisher

New meeting between owners of the teams and the players Union. The result after more than three hours of duration was not anything positive since found positions were held by both parties. We’re very, very far from reaching an agreement. The lockout, therefore, continues. The keys of the lockout that has in vilo to the NBA. A new attempt by the labor crisis that exists within the professional basketball took place Tuesday in New York with the meeting between owners of the teams and the players Union representatives. The result after more than three hours of duration was not anything positive since found positions were held by both parties, in terms of the fundamental points which have to be approved in the new collective agreement and that to not reaching an agreement forced the owners lockout.

The more expressive of how the situation stands was once again own Commissioner of the NBA, David Stern, who said that the position players was not the work of making advance the settlement of the conflict. I not feel optimistic about the willingness of players to participate in a serious way, said Stern with serious expression on his face out of the meeting. For its part, the base de Los angeles Lakers, Derek Fisher, who is President of the players Union, also admitted that they were very far to find a common point that would make possible fruitful negotiations. Again, the issue that blocks the entire negotiation process is the section of the distribution of the money they have to receive the players and owners considered will have to be reduced from 57 percent during the last year of the old Convention to between 40 percent. A calendar of meetings the only thing achieved in the new meeting was to establish some kind of calendar that would facilitate the widest possible meetings during the entire month of August.

Central Electoral Board

Among the most outstanding claims repeated the dnsa of the public health, electoral reform and the control of the banks, as well as the inclusion of feminism within the movement. After a little confusion with one of the spokesmen, the Commission’s communication has wanted to make clear that they are being pressured by the media and they have highlighted the importance of send a clear message and clean to prevent tampering. They have also summoned a concentration for tonight at 00.05 h against the bear and the Madrono consisting in a silent scream. You only need to carry a piece of electrical tape to cover your mouth as a vindication.

Prohibition of the Central Electoral Board with respect to the decision of the Central Electoral Board prohibit demonstrations during the day of reflection and on day 22, responsible for the 15-M movement takes the square have issued a statement in which ensure that no call has not been done or there will be no demonstration this weekendHowever, is likely to continue the exercise of collective reflection between attendees as has been happening the last days in spontaneous meetings. They ensure, in addition that the Assembly is not responsible for the opinions of the attendees. The Board’s decision has provoked a cto named among youth in Madrid and the camping of the Puerta del Sol has grown considerably in the early hours of Friday morning. Although the 15-M movement takes the square respects the decision of the JEC ensures that concentrates have no intention of leaving Sun, because they consider that they are not influencing the decision of citizens in exercising their right to vote. The question of what they will do if the police intervenes and attempts to evict them, one of the spokesmen of the concentrates has said that they are a peaceful movement so expect that everything unfolds peacefully..

European Central Bank

The Ibex is below 8,000 points. Other European stock markets also have big losses. The risk premium on Spanish rises from 317 to 337. And to finish the week, new bump. European stock markets have returned to live a very bad day with large declines that evidence, once again, the pessimism of investors.

The parks have been adversely affected by the possibility of Greece to suspend payments and the resignation of a counselor of the European Central Bank (ECB). Thus, the Spanish stock market fell Friday 4.44%, the fourth biggest drop of the year, and concluded in the annual minimum of 7.910,20 points, a level unknown since the end of March 2009. With the risk premium on Spanish in 335 points, 25 more than on Thursday, the Spanish stock market, the Ibex-35 index, rrencia index fell 367,60 points. Closes so the second worst week of the year, since the Spanish stock market has dropped 6.54%, whereas the losses accumulated since January grow at 19,77%. In Europe, with the euro at $1.367, at least since last February, shortly before the closure of the Spanish market fell the main European squares: Milan, around 5%; the Euro Stoxx 50 index, 3.8%; Frankfurt, 3.7%; Paris, 3.3 per cent, and London, 2%. All the great values of the Ibex fell: BBVA, 6.51%; Iberdrola, 5,74%; Banco Santander, 5.62%; Telefonica, 4.32%, and Repsol, 2.51%.

Sales were also based on the difficulties that may exist to approve the plan for employment of the American President, Barack Obama, to which 447,000 billion dollars, will be allocated and in the GDP of Japan in the second quarter, which fell 2.1, eight tenths more than initially calculated. The lowering of the forecast of the price of European banking by Goldman Sachs affected the financial sector and ahondaba loss of the bag. The negative start of session on Wall Street did not help the European parks. The risk premium rises to 337 Spanish risk premium, the premium required investors to buy national bonds to 10 years instead of Germans, climbed Friday 317 to 337 basis points for the possible suspension of payments of Greece this weekend and his departure from the euro, according to market data and experts consulted. In addition, the debt market was affected by the unexpected resignation of the Adviser and Economist j of the European Central Bank (ECB), the German Jurgen Stark, for personal reasons, although well known his opposition to the purchase of European debt plan agreed by the Monetary Authority has recently more than one month. Source of the news: the Spanish stock market fell 4.44%, lost 8,000 points and closes its second worst week of the year

Dutch Origins

American author Russell Shorto has presented his new book, Manhattan in Barcelona. The secret history of New York. It’s an essay that dive in the city’s lesser-known past and the impact that the Dutch settlers had in its genesis. American author Russell Shorto presented Friday in Barcelona his new book, Manhattan. The secret history of New York (Duomo), an essay that dive in the city’s lesser-known past and the impact that the Dutch settlers had in its genesis. After an exhaustive investigation, Shorto has discovered that the Dutch were the first to occupy the territory where today lies the city of New York, and that social and cultural patterns of these settlers influenced decisively in the configuration of the city.

The Dutch in New York influence was very important in the 17TH century and settled the bases of tolerance, multiculturalism and commercial freedom that today boasts city, it has secured Shorto at press conference, recalling that during more than half a century the City was known by the name of new Amsterdam. Rudy Giuliani is often quoted on this topic. The writer, who resides in the Dutch capital, has lamented that when Americans think about their own genesis refer to cities in Virginia and New England, and the history of the English and Puritan colonists, but never refer to the past of New York because it is much more complex and varied. Some 10,000 settlers originating from the Netherlands arrived in United States in search of a future better and they realized that they were in a position of weakness against the native Indians, since they were less in number and needed them to market, and do business. Why decided to reach an agreement with the different tribes in the area: there is an urban legend that ensures that the Dutch bought the territory now occupied by New York for $24, but what really happened is that they came to an arrangement of friendship with the Indians, which closed with the transfer of food and utensils for that value, but was rather a ceremonious gift, Shorto has pointed out. The DNA of New York is Dutch after that episode, the Dutch settled the area of Manhattan and established a society based on the maxims of his country – the multiculutralidad, the idea of free trade and freedom of religion-, aspects which were adopted by the British when they conquered the territory and that you have configured the DNA of New York with a very different style from the rest of United States. In addition, the influence of settlers from the Netherlands is still present in the territory between Manhattan and Albany, in a multitude of small details: food, the names of many peoples, and language that some people speak in their homes which is an archaic Dutch, precisely in the 17TH century. History of that half-century is fascinating and turbulent, noted Shorto, who added that that period is starring characters who lived through impossible situations as the last Dutch director-general of the colony, Peter Stuyvesant; lawyer Adriaen Van der Donck, and politician Peter Minuit. All these characters could be the stars of a movie, since the writer has received offers Hollywood to adapt his essay to the big screen, in what could become a prequel to the popular Gangs of New York, has joked. You can buy Manhattan. The secret history of New York in PopularLibors source of the news: the secret history of New York and its Dutch origins

Administration Banks

EFE Julio Iglesias, Mayor Ares, wants institutions to refrain from applying the foreclosures that are behind several suicides in our country. You want to avoid that residents of the Township are in this situation. The Ares Coruna City Council has announced that it will close the accounts maintained with the banks, where run evictions when residents of this municipality. The Mayor of this City Hall, Julio Iglesias, expressed in a press release that the consistory wants to help, to the extent possible, to avoid the increasingly more frequent evictions by banks to families who are on the street to not pay the housing because of the crisis in which resided. Therefore, the Socialist Mayor anticipates that it will report by letter to financial institutions in which the City Council have account that the Administration will cancel accounts in the event that any of them would apply an eviction to a neighbor of the municipality. Similarly, churches appealed to the rest of mayors, which urged to do the same, each in his municipality, and in this way achieve that banks refrain from applying evictions than in in recent months they have been behind several suicides in our country, concludes the note. See more: A Town Hall will close their accounts in banks that execute evictions to neighbors

French Socialist Party

Tomorrow starts the race of the primary Socialists in France with the opening of term for the nominations. In other words: in the next few days we will know which leaders and barons of the French Socialist Party (PS) struggle to become candidate of the left and rival Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidential elections of 2012 very low hours. Moreover: from among the Group of people who give the step forward the French politician, meets today and according to polls, more possibilities to become the year that comes in from the French President. From tomorrow it will start the campaign (and the battle) of applicants and will be a long year full of speculation, dark scores, feints and alliances under rope left behind. Also of planetary scope political cataclysms: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Socialist leader favorite to overcome in these primaries, accused of attempted rape, will your boot in his luxury apartment in New York, where he spends the days locked up, preparing your Defense and playing endless games of chess at a distance with its iPad tablet. Source of the news:: Socialists give the battle of primaries to Nicolas Sarkozy.

The Thug Of The Photography

NXEL GROVE in the sample there are pictures of her intimate friend Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, David Beckham and Lady Gaga, for whom he directed the clip of Alexander. Klein is the photographer most sought after by the industry of fashion and marketing. The exhibition of Sao Paulo is the largest mounted about his work. To his critics, he is a clown. For friends (Madonna, Lady Gaga and Brad Pitt), among them the last genius. Whatever the verdict, the pockets and the agenda of the American photographer Steven Klein (New York, 1965) are just as full.

During recent years it has become the most sought-after professional by the fashion industry and the marketing of the celebrity. The same signed editorials in magazines more trendy, as W – where put Madonna to do yoga or riding-; makes album covers, like Britney (2001), the third album Studio of Britney Spears or Lady Gaga Alejandro marks the realization of the video clip. Forty photos, two triptychs, 27 Polaroid and various videos now the work of Klein comes to museums with USAnatomy (play on words between the EE UU stands and the word anatomy, Anatomy), an exhibition at the Museu Brasileiro da Esculura de Sao Paulo, the most comprehensive exhibition ever mounted on this controversial photographer. Sample, with forty photos, two large triptychs, 27 images with large format Polaroid film and several videos, is an anthology of the works of Klein in the past fifteen years. Of course, their models remove the hiccups to any fan of the celebrities: Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, David Beckham, Natalie Portman, Prince, Naomi Campbell photographer, which has gained in notoriety to be the professional prrido to shape his public image by Madonna – who made pictures of the albums Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005) and Hard Candy (2008), clips for multimedia shows of the tours of the singer and the video installation X-STTIC PRO = CeSS (2003)-, has a style quite thug. Klein likes to play with pop celebrities who portrays, dramatizing shocking situations in appearance (Timberlake appears as a victim of a beating, for example) and using all the manipulative possibilities of digital photography.

The photographer, who refuses to call his style, art it has also fully entered the realm of fashion, managing campaigns for major companies in the sector, such as Calvin Klein, D & G, Alexander McQueen and Nike. Usually take each campaign to shoot short films on video: Lara, Fiction Noir (2009) reached some degree of controversy for his sadomasochistic images. Despite the fame, Klein said in a recent interview that he feels frustrated because do not want you to continue manufacturing dreams about Barbie dolls that have never existed and as a photographer I would like to reflect what is happening in the world.