Design Entertainment Center

Design-project areas – allows you to clearly explain to workers what is required of them, which in turn will accelerate the understanding and the process works in general, since it contains all the necessary documentation. Interior Design Apartments – aims to achieve comfort, because the room in which we live, must be not only beautiful but also convenient. Interior design cottage – helps to create not only comfort in his country house, but add to it elegance and consistency of style. Choosing the latter, as a rule, determines the direction of design. The design of the restaurant – gives an opportunity to clearly realize the ideas of creative design in order to create the necessary atmosphere of the restaurant hall and remembered by visitors to their uniqueness. Interior design shop – always able to prove himself as a store and brand as a trusted retailer or manufacturer of the or other products. Indeed, in the minds of consumers shop, made under the exclusive copyright design, will always be a priority compared with other similar products on him. The interior design of the bank – meant to create atmosphere of security and solidity of the institution at which customers would be coming, and with the help of directional style of design to make it clear what principles to the bank.

Interior design business center – helps translate original architectural interior solutions, which in turn accentuate class business center and increase the price of rent, because in this business center will strive to take place under the office only lead companies that care about their image. Interior design cafe or bar – will always be able to give the visitors a comfortable atmosphere and comfort, which is always nice to not only eat but also to spend an evening with friends. Design interior design beauty salon – to be developed so that, being the first minute in such an institution at the visitor evolved a clear conviction that he will get it, why he came here. Office interior design – as well as the interior design of the bank intends to highlight the status and respectability of the company, as well as have the tone and color of the walls, ceilings and furniture that will support the work atmosphere. Interior design boutique – designed to emphasize the expensive, high-quality brand products that are sold in the boutique.

Typically, such a design is created using the company colors and tones of this brand or trademark. Interior design and massage salon Interior Design SPA-salon-designed to create an atmosphere of pleasant relaxation (relaxation) to the person who came into this room, want to stay in it not for one hour. Interior Design Entertainment Center – can be very versatile. Much will depend on what entertainment there will be, but in any case, he interior should be really interesting and memorable. Source: Group of Nevada Home (Nevada Dom Group)

Persia Carpets

Weighed several tons. Say Khosrow I loved to walk alone on the "tracks" of this "garden". In 641, Persia conquered the Arabs, and "Spring Carpet" disappeared. For the East the carpet – this furniture, and wallpaper, and a sign of affluence. The level of human welfare in the Ancient East was determined by the quality available in his home carpets. And she looked sorry for the family that could not ustelit floors of his house worthy of carpets. In a wealthy house should always be a lot of carpets, with the highest quality.

Exclusive Persian rugs fit perfectly into any interior. All products are absolutely unique for ornament, color, philosophy, finally, not to mention the size. Movement, the soul, eternity – here's a rug! Each product has its own name, its history of manufacturing. After all, each rug worked hand of the master-weaver, often neither one year. Thread in these carpets are colored with natural dyes derived on the basis of wood of different species, herbs and vegetables. With regard to ornamental motifs and themes carpets from Iran, the history of their origin is as follows: in the late pre-Islamic period in carpets present stylized pictures of animals and human figures. After the Arab invasion in the same design of some rugs there are verses from the Koran, in huge quantities produced prayer rugs.

Carpets swept the world of ornamental geometry. Golden age of Persian carpet weaving was the Safavid era. The new capital of Persia in the XV century, became the city of Isfahan. Here, in 1499 established the first royal carpet shop. Religious ban on image animals and birds was removed, the production of carpets has become one of the main sources of revenue. Today in the carpets reflect not only the antique motifs, but the Baroque, Empire, rococo, classicism, modernism and contemporary styles began to appear on the surface of the carpet. About Persian rugs can say that they – "talking". Their language – nodules and paint. Their image is never an accident – for the selection and arrangement of certain elements of the pattern are age-old tradition of Islamic art and culture, talent and vision of the wizard. Each ornament is encrypted a certain sense. In the diamond-shaped angular flowers and leaves with jagged edges, a fine jewelry tie in mosaic patterns can be read verses of the Koran, proverbs, legends, future owner wishes. From the middle of the XVI century Persia supplied carpets many royal courts and aristocratic houses of Europe. France alone spent on purchase Persian carpets so much money that it has become significantly undermine its economy. Henry IV, even founded his own carpet production to somehow stop the outflow of money from the French Treasury in Asia. On collecting Persian carpets were obsessed with the French King Louis XIV, and Polish – Sigismund. And at the end of the XIX century was the massive hype. For Persian carpets fitted out shopping expedition. The mere mention of Persian origin shall ensure that any carpet success in Europe. Carpets of Iran claimed to this day. Export of carpets – in second place after oil. Every fifth inhabitant of the country to make a living, producing or selling carpets. It is worth noting that the Persian carpets have never been simply a luxury home furnishings – a kind of representation of people of the bliss of the spirit, heaven, beauty, which contain all the creative wisdom East.

Western Europe PVC

Which is especially important because of its quantity, characteristic for our urban environment. Such as having, for example, plastic windows lg. Currently in our market are windows with frames made of wood, aluminum and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Wood has good insulating properties and has a strength, but requires more specialized care than PVC, especially over time. Good wood windows are deep antiseptic infiltration (penetration of antiseptics and 50 mm deep into the wood). To make a wooden window has lived as long as possible, make an aluminum lining the outside of the box.

Are widely used in the main window profiles -U, uPVC, with high toughness, such as PVC salamander. High demand for PVC windows, due to reasons of both economic and technical nature. For example, in the German market in 1996, the proportion plastic windows was 49%, timber – by 28% to 30% aluminum and approximately 19-21%. In 1998, the proportion of plastic windows is 52%, wood – 26%, aluminum – 18% and 4% were combined window. Ie This proves the following: Western Europe’s greatest preference is given to plastic windows, which, in turn, denies any rumors about the fact that the plastic windows in Western Europe is no longer in demand. Today we are talking about that plastic window has a lifespan of about 50 years. Often, after such a declaration asking the question: how is it possible to prove it, because at present there is no PVC window that is already 50 years since themselves Plastic boxes are used only with the 60-ies.

It should be pointed out that when talking about the 50 year life of PVC windows, we’re talking about longevity profile. Sound-absorbing properties of the window are determined not so much material frame as the type of glazing and the performance of the construction. With noise-dampening window is particularly important density of all the connections and flows. Any looseness act as ‘noise-bridges’, as where air passes, there is the noise. Summarizing we can say that the profile is almost no effect on sound insulation.