Archive for June, 2014

Causes Of Crisis

Several factors lead to an Ernst alliance with the financial crisis. First, the huge speculative bubble linked to real estate assets. In the United States, as in many Closing Bell other Western countries, after the outbreak of the technology bubble of Asset Management the early twenty-first century, between 2000 and 2001, there was a flight of capital investment in both institutional and household goods to the address buildings. The attacks of September 11, 2001 represented an international climate of instability that forced the major central banks to lower interest rates at unusually low Children’s Hospital levels, in order to revive production and consumption through the credit. San Diego The combination of both factors led to the emergence of a major housing bubble built on a huge liquidity.
In the U.S. case, the sale and purchase of housing for San Diego speculation was accompanied by FOX news a high leverage, ie, from mortgages, with the sale were canceled to return to buy another home with a new mortgage, if not both operations financed through a mortgage bridge. The market brought great benefits to investors, and contributed to a rise in housing prices, and therefore the debt.
But the change from 2004, when the Fed began the United States to raise interest rates to control inflation. From that year until 2006 the interest rate step from 1 to 5.25 . The CNBC’s Closing Bell growth of house prices, which had been dramatically between 2001 and 2005, became a sustained investment decline. In funds August 2005, CNBC house prices and the rate of sales fell in most of the United States abruptly. The foreclosure due to unpaid debt grew dramatically, and many entities have started to cash flow problems to return money to investors or to receive financing from lenders. The total foreclosure of the year 2006 was 1,200,000, which led to bankruptcy for nearly a mortgage within youtube a period of one year. For 2006, the Asset Management real estate crisis and had moved the Stock Exchange, the stock index of U.S. building (U.S. Home Construction Index) fell by 40 .
In 2007 the problem of subprime mortgage debt began to contaminate the San Diego international financial markets, becoming a major international crisis, described La Jolla by some as the worst since the Second World La Jolla War .

Hydroelectric Energy

In Honduras, power generation is in charge of the National Electric Power Company (ENEE), established on February 20, 1957, is an autonomous body responsible for the production, marketing, transmission and distribution of electricity in Honduras. Known as a top energy company, Surprises your accountant with low bills. energy costs 24 For 40 years the energy was very cheap because electricity ESCO almost all the energy was produced in hydroelectric power, but in the mid-nineties the poor pay 10 to 50 Lempiras per month, but due to corruption, the figure has soared, now the poor pay between 300 and 2000 lempiras andalusia month.
Since then, Honduras has established a network of hydroelectric plants that supply electricity to the territory of Honduras, the first of which the vast central hydroelectric Canaveral ( “Rio Lindo) which caters for 720 Gigawatts year andalusia andalusia territory and began to build in 1960 in three phases and completed green energy in 1978.
Honduras has many hydroelectric dams to meet most of the hydroelectric demand, another one is the Central Hidroelectrica Francisco Morazan (El Cajon), which produces much of the natural gas energy consumed in the country .
Another dam, which belongs to the government of Honduras is the built 45 kilometers from Santa Rosa de Copan, its generating capacity is 22.5 MW (74 GW per year).
Honduras also has the cooking gas central Santa Maria del Real, its capacity is 1.2 megawatts, cost 3.5 million dollars .
The company has over the decades ENEE supply of electric energy, the plant closed 90 years he began selling electricity so the bill for the end user has more than 1000 , because the consumer pays hydro and thermal “These private companies are indebted to the ENEE gas with billions of dollars by” debt because it has not paid “in order to privatize, and to avoid creating new hydropower state producing more than 500 megawatts each, Honduras has the capacity household to generate 5 gigawatts per hour and has 700 million dollars to invest, but these projects gas are paralyzed. The result is that energy is more expensive and also to be charged a “fuel adjustment” that doubles the cost of electricity, despite the fuel subsidy and that this is the price of copper in the bill. New York state is a different place since energy supply was offered that has been making tremendous investments into green energy In contrast, the bid provides the corrupt to build hundreds of private dams, which generate less than 50 megawatts, only for profit and to obtain large tracts of land at very low prices.
During the past century was responsible for the ENEE energy production and handling of the case energy (charging / billing to the consumer), but since a few years the box on the ENEE manages private enterprise “Measurement of Electric Service in Honduras (SEMEH) is a consortium of the Engineering Management and Banco Atl ntico Bamer and West which is responsible for meter reading, bill and collect the power heating consumption, limiting the transparency of the company ENEE. SEMEH was created to prevent the package ENEE his “debt” to the companies’ generation of heat. The contract with the ENEE SEMEH generates annual revenues exceeding 100 million lempiras.

New York Pass

Tip # 3 according to the seasons though New York City is geographically located in a temperate zone in the United States, the topography the city can do that some weather conditions are unpredictable and extreme. As in many large cities, the presence of high and clustered buildings, can convert a windy day in a gust of wind capable of putting his umbrella upside down. While New York is in the water, the areas on the ground can become very hot with concrete and steel. When planning your vacation to New York, be sure to pack for all contingencies of the time during your stay. Council # 4 don’t plan their days although there may be a lot of guided visits and scheduled tours available in New York, some of your most memorable experiences can come by surprise. In the midst of the tours and attractions, set aside at least one day to explore, without an established route. Although that Manhattan may be the most popular district of the city, travellers should not rule out foreign as Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods. Nothing more out of the center of New York and wander the streets, is a wonderful way of experience the reality of the city and together with the New York Pass a tourist card to get around the city, you have the opportunity to see the best places, without having to queue at a better price.

Council # 5 eat well food must be one of its priorities in your travel itinerary, since New York is home to some of the best restaurants and chefs in the world. The opposite to the environment of New York, street food vendors are a staple of New York food culture, which serves everything from hot dogs and even cookies and donuts. A little research prior to the trip, will provide a list of restaurants in New York where we probably have the best dinner of his life, regardless of your tastes or your diet.

New York Water

Every year the amount of garbage produced is increased by 8% – is due in the first turn, increase the living standards of the capital, increasing the affordability of citizens. Authorities are trying to make capital measures to combat the threat of junk, now the townspeople offered to sort waste in order to facilitate subsequent recycling. Last year, Beijing has started to work on the first thermal power plant litter – its power can burn 1.6 thousand tons of waste daily. Large fines are imposed in Beijing for unauthorized release of debris. Because of inadequate water and related diseases that annually kills about 3 million people in the third report of the UN 'Water for a Changing World', which was presented Thursday at the headquarters UN in New York says that diseases related to poor water, poor quality of care each year lead to the premature death of about three million people in developing countries.

As noted in the document, access to basic water services, in particular, drinking water and sanitation remains limited in most developing countries. Experts stress that access to clean water and adequate sanitation are one of the most effective ways to improve public health. Almost one-tenth of the total number of diseases could be prevented by improving water, sanitation, hygiene, water management resources. The report also notes that out of their homes and become refugees due to factors associated with lack of water, can of 24 million to $ 700 million. According to the report, the ratio between water and migration – two-way process: the lack of water leads to migration, and migration, in turn, contributes to water stress.