Graduated Physical Education for the University of the South of Santa Catarina in the year of 2008. CONCEPTION OF INFANCY the conception of infancy of the current days is well different of some centuries behind. It is important to point out that the vision that if has of the child is something historically constructed, therefore is that if it can perceive the great contrasts in relation to the feeling of infancy in elapsing of the times. What today it can seem an aberration, as the indifference destined to the small child, has centuries behind was something absolutely normal.
For bigger queerness that if it causes, humanity nor always saw the child as a being in particular, and for to much she treated it time as an adult in miniature. Of a being, of small account almost imperceptible, the child in a secular process occupies a bigger prominence in the society, and the humanity launches it a new to look at. To understand this question better she is necessary to make a historical survey on the infancy feeling, to look definiz it, to register its sprouting and its evolution. According to Aries: The infancy feeling does not mean the same that affection for the children, corresponds to the conscience of the infantile particularitity, this particularitity that distinguishes essentially the child from the adult, exactly young (Aries, 1978: 99). In this perspective the infancy feeling is something that the child characterizes, its essence while to be, its way to act and to think, that it is differentiated of the one of the adult, and therefore deserves a more specific look. In the Average Age it did not have clarity in relation to the period that characterized infancy, many if they based for the physical question and determined infancy as the period that goes of the birth of teeth until the seven years of age, as shows the citation of the description made for Le Grand Propritaire (Aris, 1978: 6).
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