The expenses also take in account costs of internment and treatment for illnesses caused or aggravated for the pollution and the reduction of about one year and way of the life expectancy of the economically active population. Beyond the costs right-handers, the losses with the days exist that the interned individuals had left to work, a time that the cases most serious had occurred in the etria band between 15 and 64 years. It has greater incidence of the effect in the months of winter, result of the thermal inversion. The question of urban mobility and the support in the great cities is more serious of what we imagine. The urban train ' ' Metro' ' with all its problems of economic support can be an exit if computed the expenses with the public health. Solutions? I go to give some ideas: Caster of vehicles as it exists in So Paulo Toll electronic as they exist in Tokyo and London, that is, area definitive that cars cannot circulate, and if the drivers to want they pay expensive for access to these areas. To improve the urban transport.
This would stimulate many people to use, as in New York. The meter, exactly with problems of economic support and to need subsidies, can be same the exit. The cost of this pollution and the caused problems of health can weigh definitively against the account favorable the implantation of meters. Conscience of the population for rational use of the vehicles. Efetivao of politics of urban support with programs and concrete actions. Not we can brake the development of the industry nor of the market, but actions in parallel need to be taken to balance the generated problems. The magical word calls urban support. Urban mobility is related it, but the politics that some cities are adopting have more including focus. The great cities in the developed countries have an performance in the question of the urban support of focada and excellent form. Here in Brazil they lack more serious politics efficient. Still we have much to make, meanwhile we spend billions and we suffer upheavals from all nature.
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