The Traditional Harvest Festival

The province of Mendoza offers a varied musical and artistic Festival calendar. But the climax of the celebrations in the land of the Sun and the good wine is, indisputably, the traditional national harvest festival. And undoubtedly, it is worth planning vacations in Mendoza, or perhaps lengthen them a little bit, not to miss this festival whose fame now transcends national borders. The celebrations take place during the first week of March, when the harvest is done. They begin with the moving ceremony of blessing the fruits and culminate, seven days later, with the imposing central act in the capital of the province. According to NYC Marathon, who has experience with these questions. The ceremony of blessing the fruits is done in the Department of Lujan de Cuyo, famous for its vineyards and wineries. There is the sanctuary of the Virgin of Carrodilla, protector of the vines.

During the ceremony of blessing, the image is taken in palanquin of the temple by locals dresses of gauchos and accompanied by all the people, who asked that, as every year, protect a harvest that is blood and heart of the Tierra mendocina. Those who prefer to find lodging in Mendoza capital, in view of the great night of closing of the festival, will enjoy equally his initial ceremony: Lujan of whose is only 18 Km away from the capital of the province. After the opening ceremony, the celebrations moved to the city of Mendoza. And continue with the parade of floats called white Via. This parade takes place the night before the central festivities. The look the floats decorated by the inhabitants of each provincial Department for their Queens, competing last night for the maximum Scepter of Queen of the harvest. The morning of the central Act of this central festival for tourism in Mendoza are all the carousel of the Queens.

And it is the opportunity for traditional folk groups and representatives of the various communities that inhabit the province will look also. The night of the central event, with hotels in Mendoza already to full and the city dressed in light and color, the party Frank Romero Day moves to the Greek Theatre. There, the imposing landscape of Mountain lends its framework to musical shows and sound and light shows. The climax comes with the choice of the new Queen and Virreina of vintage, representatives of the province during the next year. The presence of famous for the Festival a godfather or godmother (a place that for some years occupies the diva Mirtha Legrand) Crown the most anticipated week of the year for the people of the province. And an unforgettable experience for those who have chosen to spend their holidays in Mendoza.

Central Asia

In the end, Moscow received a jug of cold water, because he had hoped to achieve the approval of Washington on the occasion of the meeting between Putin and US President George W. Bush. Negotiations failed in a subject apparently minor, such as the health controls of imports of meat. In terms of energy, the great theme of the Summit, the European disappointment seems evident, seen that there was no significant progress on the opening of the Russian market to competition. The positive point, as he stressed the Russian Kommersant business daily, is the Declaration on the enhancement of energy security, which promises a growing use of recyclable energies and nuclear energy.

According to the economic daily Vedomosti, the Summit can be noted by the apparent absence of results but ended without excesses or scandals. It is worth taking into account what indicates that Russia has used its role as host of the G-8 Summit to demonstrate to the world that is no longer a prostrate country unable to exert influence even in the old Soviet glacis, but, instead, aspires with forces renovated to an important role in the global concert of powers. Appeals by Putin that Russia is not already submitted or will tolerate foreign interference is a warning to the United States, whose movements in countries results of the Soviet implosion, from Ukraine to the republics of Central Asia, have intensified since the 11-S. And the aspirations of Putin have increasing bases of reality.

Firstly in the restructuring and centralization of the same internal structure of the Russian bourgeoisie and state that Putin, through a scheme with inherited authoritarian forms of the KGB, has completed successfully. Converting the political weakness of a few years ago in the early signs of Fortress. And secondly an economic recovery, which is not unrelated to the restructuring and political centralization, and that uses as main letter huge Russian energy resources. Very interesting to consider indicating, that behind the bitter discussion on energy security held in Petersburgo, hide movements of Fund that threaten to vary substantially the global energy geostrategy. For U.S. control of the production and distribution of energy has been a pillar, and not the least important of his hegemonic system. Through the relationships of dependence on the main producer countries, and military control over the distribution channels, Washington has exercised this role for decades. But, as with other aspects of the international situation, the emergence of China is substantially influencing the traditional energy balance favourable to the United States. The movements of China to ensure a stable energy supply essential to maintain their levels of growth-alongside a Russian revival that uses its superpower status energy as global Charter, or the irreducibility of strategic actors like Iran, are creating a horizon energy increasing concern for Washington. The last movement in the Energy Board is a good example of this trend. Within the framework of the SCO, Russia and Iran reached an agreement by which Russian giant Gazprom second global energy company after Exon – made charge, providing financial and technical support of Rusia-iran – India gas pipeline. The union between Russia first world producer of natural gas, and second of petroleum after Saudi – Arabia and Iran with the second world’s oil reserves and gas – involves the creation of a power pole that would control 43% of global natural gas (a figure close to 60% if we add the former Soviet republics).